If you are passionate for content writing then hopefully you will try to seeking every possible ways to maximize your blog earning. Your blog can be your business or passive income source So, you will never like to leave its alone in dark like a blank page.
As we know there are plenty of ways available to monetize a blog. E.g. Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Guest Post Writing, Writing Reviews, Selling Ad Space and Placing Ads by Joining Popular Ad Networks.
Media.Net and Google Adsense are most popular Ad Networks within the Blogger Communities. You can simply apply for both of the Ad Network and get approval to get paid for your writing skills.
How to apply for Media.Net Ad Network
Before filling a Signup form to Media.Net you should make confirm that you are ready and familiar with few of essential terms and conditions to get approval without any rejection.
Follow the steps below to get approval in no time :-
- Use primary domain like remarkme.com instead of blog.yoursite.com.
- Your blog should have About, Contact and Privacy policy Page.
- At least your blog running on a 6 months old domain.
- Minimum traffic of 50 users need to land on your blog posts every day.
- Well organised content and Theme on your blog.
- Your blog Should easily open on every possible device.
- Make sure your blog have an Index.xml file.
- You should need to submit your blog url on all possible search engines (like: Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex) to get presence on their search platform
Get Familiar with few of facts that never effect your application to get approval :-
- No need to remove other Ad Network’s Ads to your blog before or after Joining.
- If you are promoting any product or service with the use of affiliate network links, no need to remove them.
As you are a valuable audience of RemakMe.com So, we have an exclusive offer for you, Apply Now and Receive 10% Extra Bonus on your Earning for Next 3 Months.
How to Boost Your Media.Net Earnings
Once your site has been approved by Media.net Ad Network, your blog content is analyzed exactly per page to eventually display keywords relevant to the context of your blog pages.
Consistency always pays but impatience create an anxiety So, after placing Media.Net Ads on your blog you should need to keep attention only on your content without any worry.
Media.net’s have a specific algorithm that decide which keywords can get you maximum clicks and revenue. So, you need to remember, to give sufficient time yourself for all of possible revenue related things.