Become an Online Teacher and Earn Money as much as you Want
If you are fluent in any subject and have some tutoring experience, become an Online Tutor. On average an online tutor can earn anywhere between $10 to $100 an hour (or even more) depending on their academic qualifications, experience, and technical expertise.
Online teaching or tutoring jobs can be a great way to earn money online from home, especially if you are looking to work part-time. And they are not just available to those with a formal teaching degree. There are many opportunities open to college students, former teachers and tutors and industry professionals. The number of students going to school online has been growing at double-digit rates for the past decade. And that number is expected to rise by double digits for the next several years.
What Skills you required to become an Online Teacher
An online tutor would require some basic skills like:
- Positive attitude
- An enthusiasm to teach
- Good communication skills
- Listening to the students
- Specialized knowledge of the subject
- Familiarity with the course structure
- Ability to deploy various resources effectively
- Being able to deliver the proper answers
- Being able to ask the right questions
- Flexibility in approach to matching the needs of the student
- Ability to encourage students
- Ability to provide constructive feedback
However, an online teacher would also be required to possess certain factors for conducting online sessions.
How to start your online teaching Journey from the scratch
The best way to launch a career teaching online or to become an online instructor is to search out and apply for job positions as a part-time teacher.
However, if you have not already done so, you should first take an online course yourself so you can understand what it is like to be an online student. Also, consider a certificate program or additional training in the specific needs of online students.
5 must-have tools for online tutoring
1. Whiteboard
2. Skype
3. Cloud Storage Google Drive or Dropbox
4. Youtube
5. Self Hosted Tutoring Website
If you have any hesitation to start your own tutorial website, there are many popular online platforms which help you get started with online tutoring. Let’s have a look at some.