If you’ve decided the blog presents a unique way for you, it’s time to create your guest blog.

But before get started, you need to get familiar some untouched facts that make you more comfort in your writing opportunity.

How to Write a Blog Post

As I have noticed in my writing journey, writing and car driving have the same things if you want to become only a driver than you just need to know the combination of the break, clutch, gear and accelerator but if you want to become a better driver than you also need to learn road safety tips and safe driving.

In this blog writing tutorial post, I’ll show you how to write an awesome blog post in seven simple steps that readers will actually want to read. Ready? Let’s get started.

How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in Seven Easy Steps:

Step 1: Decide what you want to write about

You should always write about things, hobbies and skills you care or love about. The best writing happens when you start it with a topic you really believe in.

When as an author you are confident, your blog post readers take your words more seriously and they will spend more time to understand them. Unlike a bullshit how-to page written for search engines, a good writing is personal. A good author believes in the simple or real words and wants you to believe in them too.

The more confusionable part of writing is to decide what to write about. We all want to write something special that works for our readers. The best writing comes to you when you believe in what you are writing, and when the topic is really good. It is a multiplication of these two things. Without belief the writing is not personal; it is dry. Without a good topic it is hard to make yourself and others believe in the topic.

In short, to write well you must first find a meaningful topic that you really believe in, and then you must explain it well.

Step 2: Think and write a Mind-blowing Headline for your post

Blog post headline is the most important element of a blog. Eye catching headlines will get you more page views, and then more visits of readers, and then more clicks or leads, and then more bucks in your pocket.

You can use a headline analyzer tool by Buzzsumo or CoSchedule to analyze your headline. Simply copy your headline and paste it into the tool and click “Analyze Now”.

These are the tools I have recommended before to help with content creation, but it also works well for brainstorming titles, especially since some offers actually appear in the results.

Here are the few golden tips you should follow to create an eye catching headline that will grab your readers attention and push them to read your blog post:

1. Simple:

Say what it is and get straight to the point, Ex: Ways To make money online from home

2. Knowledgeable:

Generate doubt and then provide the answer, Ex: What are the Most Incredible Ways to Make Money Online?

3. Solution:

Give a solution, teach something useful.
Ex: How to make $10000 in a Month by writing an eBook.

4. Serial Numbers or bullet:

Make it seem like a practical solution, or the best possible choice one might find. Ex: 10 most popular ways to make money online as a Freelancer.

5. Target Readers:

Grab your audience’s attention with a title that speaks to them directly, as if in one-on-one a conversation.
Ex: Popular Ways You Need to Know to Make money Online in your free time.

Step 3: Write an outline of your blog post.

Viral blog posts do not just happen. Even the famous bloggers need an outline of their blog writing work to keep them on-track.

An outline doesn’t need to be lengthy, or even detailed – it’s just a short guide to make sure you don’t ramble on and on about something tangential to your topic.

If you are planing to write something in broad level which have to cover the sub-topics for each section then you need to give each section a name.

For example, this is the outline for this post that I sent to my editor before getting to work:

Here’s what your outline might look like:

Header: How to make $10000 in a Month by writing an eBook.
Subheader: How I sold 1,000 copies of my eBook in One Week (and maybe you can too)
Sub-sub-header: How to start writing an eBook
Sub-sub-header: How to pick a catchy topic for your eBook
Sub-sub-header: Get in touch all the writing process

At this point, it’s super simple to start optimizing your post for Serach Engine Optimization.

At RemarkMe, we work exclusively in Google Docs and recommend this for a few reasons.

In Google Docs, go ahead and hit “Normal text” in the menu bar, and a drop-down will appear with the options to select <heading 1>, <heading 2> and so on.

In HTML formatting, this is what the previous structure looks like while using header tags:

<h1> How to make $10000 in a Month by writing an eBook. </h1>
<h2> How I sold 1,000 copies of my eBook in One Week (and maybe you can too) </h2>
<h3> How to start writing an eBook </h3>
<h3> How to pick a catchy topic for your eBook </h3>
<h3> Get in touch all the writing process </h3>

If you go to View > Show document outline, you will see the outline of your draft on the left hand side.

Step 4 : Write your blog post

So, you’ve selected your topic, settled on a headline, finalize your post’s outline and now you’re ready to actually write a blog post. So get to it.

Similarly, to headlines, there are two main tactics to writing a blog post. You can also sit down and write whole draft in a single sitting (my favourite workflow), or you can do it gradually over time. There is no right or wrong answer here – only whatever works for you.

Yet, I would recommend getting as much done in one session as possible. In this way you will be focused on the topic. And none of doubt to forget your important and crucial points.

Step 5 : Now Edit Your Rough Draft Post into More

Now it’s time to turn that draft into something more. It’s time for editing. Actually, writing a blog post is tough task for beginners. And editing a blog post is harder for even experts. Most of the people misguidedly assume that editing is simply striking through sentences that don’t work or fixing grammatical errors.

When I am ready to editing written draft post, I always try to ask few questions to myself like that:

  • does the written blog post make sense?
  • are some sections unnecessary or inappropriate?
  • is extra more information needed?
  • should sections be updated or reorganized?
  • does the post follow logically or dramatically?

I’ll start making notes to myself in answer to each of these questions.

Step 6 : Get Feedback

First draft done? Congratulations!

If you have an editor on your machine (Windows Live Writer for Microsoft PC and Mars Edit 4 for Mac PC) to show your draft to, great; otherwise a friend or colleague works absolutely fine as well.

Chances are that a third party will be able to point out things like logical loopholes and poor flow that you wouldn’t be able to spot on your own.

Step 7 : Format and Upload your blog Post

Formatting is all about making your post as easy as possible to digest. Now, we’re almost all set. At this point, your post should be rock-solid and ready for upload to your content management system.

Categories: Helpful Tips

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RemarkMe is a well-known resource for Online Income Ideas which is run by a guy with a very supportive team. We have many proven strategies, you can transform your hobbies into a profitable Job or business and make money online with the use of them.