Write For RemarkMe and Become a Contributor

Thank you for your interest in writing, We want you. You can write and make stuff for RemarkMe today!

RemarkMe is a well-known blog that was created with the aim of spread the knowledge of a better living from home. We’re always looking for new contributors. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our blog forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine anything. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a topic that’s keeping you up at night.

What Can I Write about?

We are looking fresh, original and well-written articles. Are you ready for writing from today? on a topic which have an interesting and informative information with a heading on

  1. Money Making Ideas that is covered by active income jobs and passive income jobs from home,
  2. Money Saving Tips and Tricks and
  3. We also want some tech articles from you, on Blogging, (Themes, Hosting, SEO etc.) Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, eBook Writing, and YouTubes.
  4. Most importantly we eagerly want to hear your own Success Story in your own words, it may be inspirational for our audience and they can learn from your success roadmap.

You can also write on a topic if you finding during exploring our blog and thinking that our blog does not have enough information for that.

We Want to Pay You to Write for Us

It will really be rewarding for both of us. You will get noticed by our audiences and we will get some hot content from you. And in more other advantage, Hundreds of Thousands of our readers will read your work, and you’ll also learn a lot in the process—about communicating your ideas, about writing, and even about the topic you thought you already knew so well when you started.

Let’s get right to it: We will pay you to write things for us even if you have never written anything for anybody before. Your work could be seen by hundreds of thousands of people in free.

What and How will You get rewarded for your work? 

Articles that are selected for publication will be paid between $2.5 to $10.00 via PayPal or Direct Bank Deposit.

Loyalty is Everything, We have more For You!

Every month, if your article is at the top of our most shared, you’ll be the winner of a special bonus of $100.

RemarkMe Guidelines For Submission

Please don’t send us press releases or essay. They make us feel sad inside.

We publish articles of anywhere between 500 – 1000 words, depending on subject complexity. 750 words are about average.

For Better Understanding, Read Must | How to Write a Guest Post

How to Submit an Article

The ball is in your court now! and follow the all the below steps carefully:

STEP 1: Tell us the topic of your niche. Then explain your angle, your new contribution to the topic, what’s insightful/poignant/unique about your approach, research or experience that other people can apply and get results from.  Please explain EXACTLY what the reader will walk away with after reading your article.

STEP 2: Send the first paragraph of the piece and then an outline of what you plan to cover in the rest of your article.

STEP 3: Include the keywords “Guest Post Submission For RemarkMe” in your email subject lines. (We get quite a bit of email daily, so putting that title can really help us stay organized).

STEP 4: Send your outline to remarkme.com@gmail.com (we don’t want to get overflow our hosted email and never won’t miss your precious content, Gmail is the better option for both of us)

STEP 5:  Our Team and I will personally review your submission and determine whether it’s a potential fit. If so, the whole team will review and discuss it. This happens once a week. but submissions does not guarantee getting published.

Can’t wait to share your amazing ideas and experiences!